Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac

  1. Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac Os
  2. Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac Computer
  3. Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac Free Download
  4. Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac Osx
  5. Free Green Screen Photo Software For Macbook
  6. Photokey Software

Chromashop is a Free Green Screen Software tool for Windows and Mac. The trial version is free but you need to purchase the basic and pro versions. Use this tool to change the background, remove wrinkles on the backdrop and adjust lighting. This is the World's BEST green screen software. It runs as a Photoshop plugin and creates a non-destructive layer system with unmatched spill suppression. Here's our pick of the best free or low-cost photo editing software for macOS. It makes sense to do it on the larger screen of a Mac. To the best free and cheap photo editing apps for Mac.

What do you need to getstarted with green screen photography?

And How to get best results during chroma photography -

  • Agreen background or a blue background.
    • Greencolor is not essential for getting the digital effect you want. Youcouldeasily usea blue screeen background and get the same digital effect as the greenbackground. It wont make a difference. Just try to get whatever colorout of blue or green is easilyavailable and is economical.
    • Thiscould be a canvas backdrop or painton a wall. If this is a canvas, muslin cloth is preferable as abackdrop. While it preferred by most software that the backdrop beneatly ironed, we understand it is not always practicle to iron thebackdrop. So we designed our green screen program to work well with areasonable level of wrinkles in the backdrop. You can hang the backdropagainst a wall and spread it out nicely. If the background is paint,please make sure that the paint is of decent quality but not atall glossy. The glossy paint is going to reflect light and leave hotspot reflections at several points where light reflection is maximumand it will spoil the overall compositing of the digital photo. In theend this will lead to poor results despite the best quality of thesoftware. It not magic afterall!
  • Properlighting
    • Thelighting should be from at least two sides to evenly light up thebackground. The lighting should be such that the subject will leave noshadows. The better lit your backdrop is during the photo shoot, thebetter off you the results of the software! The color keying operationis better if lighting is even. But better lighting doesn't mean extra bright lights! Please be reasonable.
  • Properclothing for the talent or the subject of the photography
    • Whilethe sense of fashion is upto the model and to you, please do not wearshiny material. Please avoid wearing metallic accessories like metallic band, jewellery etc. The reason for this is that these shinysurface will reflect the green background and over spill. Parts of thesubject might get erased when thephoto is composited using the software program.
  • Positionof the talent
    • Keepher at least 6 feet from the green backdrop. Many people recommend adistanceof about 8 feet from the green or blue backdrop but we understand thatnot everyone has the luxury of a large space in their studio.
  • Yourphoto camera and our green screen photography software. Remember, manyprofessional photographers have used this technology before you.
  • Creativity!
    • Wehave worked hard and given our best to design our editing software toboost your creativity. You can just focus on selecting the bestsuitable backdrops for your subjects.

About Post Production forphotographers

Postproduction is the context of digital photography is the process ofworking on the photograph after it has been clicked by thedigital camera. Typical postproduction is performed by the use ofappropriate digital software to improve the photograph by adjustingexposure, contrast, brightness, colors, hues etc. Otherscould also be cropping, watermarking etc. Replacing background ofdigital photos brings a whole new interesting dimension to how thefinal finished picture presents itself. A subject could have beenphotographed inside a studio or a booth but could be shown in front ofthe statue of liberty!
Chromashop'ssoftware is about color keying only. This is also known as colorcompositing or green screen software. We have made a great deal ofeffort to take the expertise out of creating amazing color key effectsusing just a few clicks. Even children can do it, not to mentionprofessionals.
The green screensoftware mac version can be installed with just double clicking on thedmg after downloading and the green screen software windows version hasa windows installer as .exe file (executable file ). Both are less than30 MB in size, download fast and come bundled with the same set ofdigital backdrops. Would like to point out these are green screen photosoftware only. There is no video version for either mac or windows asof now and we are only focussed on creating the best green screenprogram for now. Chromashop is also used nicely as a photo boothsoftware in events on mac and pc. It gives good entertainment tovisitors in fairs and events.

How Easy green screen photo editor is!

Thisphoto editor for green screen editing is surprisingly easy to use compared toother such green screen photo software in the market. The software hasbeen designed to be used for lay people and professionals alike. Oneclick is all it takes to replace the background nicely. Of course, youphotography skills matter too. A nice photography by a technicalphotographer will yield better results than those of an amateur, butthe software helps in reducing the gap and the skills required for suchchroma key compositing / color keying / color masking effects and aneconomical price.
Previously people needed to learn photoshop skills before they couldattempt anything like this, but not anymore. Chromashop editing toolallows you to focus on just your creative work and not spend dayslearning photo tools. All these design decisions have enabled this tostrive to be the best chroma key photo software in its category.
It works both on Mac and Windows operating systems. Many people ownboth operating systems and they don't have to look for different toolsfor each.

Why use green background in photograph

Short answer to why green background for photos: It is most different from the human skin tones.
Long answer to why green: There are scientific and practical reasonsbehind using green backgrounds or blue backgrounds in photography.Suppose you use a black background behind the person beingphotographed. What would happen? The the black color is keyed out, theblack color in the person's and eyes would also be masked out. That is,his hair would vanish and so would the color of his eyes (ifblack). Similarly a pink background would make the pink in theskin of a person vanish.
Green and blue are the two color which have been known to effective inphoto compositing because they are the farthest removed from the skintones of most humans. However if a person has green hair, a greenbackground would indeed make her hair disappear in the resultingprocessed photo. In such a case a blue background would be more suited.
In practical applications such as weather forecasting studios,professional advertising setups, green has become more popular becauseblue is also a color that is poplularly used in clothes, especiallymen's clothing be it shirts, coats, trousers, ties. Many times, thereare blue shades that people wear and they tend to interfere with theblue background. Because of these reasons green has indeed become verypopular with photographers and video studios alike.

More resources on green screen coming soon...

Commandline chroma key version also available.

The Layering & Reflection Special Effect available now with Green Screen Wizard PRO 9.0 represents the state-of-the-art in chroma key post production.

These days the professional photographer who is looking for the best chroma key software has a number of choices. So let’s take a look at the green screen software features most important to those who make their living producing stunning images for their clients — and which software delivers best on what photographers need to expand their businesses…

Professional photographers demand state-of-the-art when it comes to technology, especially software – and there are significant differences between the green screen software available today.

Of course the most critical feature for any green screen removal process is the algorithm used to separate your subject from the background down its finest component – a human hair! Each software product on the market uses its own proprietary algorithm to accomplish this process.

In addition to that, since no one has yet created the absolutely perfect algorithm, the software also needs to have the ability to make critical adjustments easily and accurately to allow the professional to create a truly realistic and desirable image for the client.

With the recent release of Green Screen Wizard Pro Version 9.0 for both Windows and MAC, this is one powerful tool for the demanding professional. Its Reality Integration™ proprietary algorithm is way ahead of the competition in its ability to zero-in on background areas and remove them from your green screen image. The original algorithm was first released in 2007 and has been refined and made more powerful and accurate five times since then. This is why Green Screen Wizard Pro outshines the others with its highly advanced removal process.

Fully-Integrated Airbrush Editor Brings Out the Finest Hair

Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac Os

Green Screen Wizard Pro’s Airbrush Editor puts 15 amazing brushes at your fingertips – each designed to enhance and make more realistic the removal and restoration process, as well as simple ways to expertly embellish your images.

The proprietary chroma key removal algorithm already does an amazing job separating hair from the green background, but with the with a wave of your mouse you can restore even the finest hairs — as pictured on the before and after pictures above.

Other powerful airbrushes will easily help you to adjust green areas of your subject like a bride’s bouquet, fix green screen shadows, blend layers for transparent areas like glass and veils and even make your subjects look years younger with the smoothing brush.

New Special Effects Functions Super-Power Your Post-Production


With the addition of the seven new Special Effects functions, Green Screen Wizard Pro 8.0 takes chroma key software to an entirely new level of performance. Quite simply, there is no other product available that can touch the overall functionality of this software. Just look what you and your designer can do during the post production of your green screen images.

The new Special Effects available with the release of Version 8.0 include:

Add Reflections

This is one fun and powerful feature! Take a look at the image at the beginning of this blog post — we used the Add Reflections special effect to produce it. And despite the incredibly realistic result, it was a snap to create. You have total control too — change the size, angle, transparency and texture of the reflection with simple sliders. You’ll fool even the sharpest eye with this effect. They’ll never believe it’s a chroma key image!

Lighting Effects

Critical to a successful background removal is the ability to achieve clean edges in your green screen photos. To accomplish this, it’s important that your lighting is even, so you’re not creating shadows on your green backdrop. You can also try using available ambien light as we discuss in Simple Steps to Mastering Green Screen Photography.

So what do you do when your final image requires some additional lighting to create a dramatic effect? The answer is now at your fingertip with the new Lighting Effects.

You’ll be able to choose from a number of lighting effect types such as sheet, circle or cone lighting. You can control the amount of start and end light applied and even add a white or black glow around the foreground image. Use the Shadow Generator feature to create a background shadow to enhance the realism as you can see was done in the middle image above.

Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac

Advanced Silhouette

In addition to classic black silhouettes Version 8.0 gives you the ability to change the color of the silhouette and also replace the black in the silhouette with any image. The results can be stunning and very artistic. The Advanced Silhouette special effects is a simple and quick way to produce unique, personalized art for your clients.

Skin Smoothing

Who doesn’t want to have younger looking skin? Version 9.0 has a proprietary smoothing algorithm built into the Skin Smoothing special effect. With a few strokes of your mouse, watch fine lines and age spots disappear. Your clients will be overjoyed to see themselves looking years younger. Don’t be surprised if they order more reprints or ask you to use the same image with additional backgrounds!

Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac Computer

Black & White and Sepia

With this effect you can make your foreground and/or your background Black and White or vintage Sepia. This special effect is becoming very popular these days, especially combining the back and white with a color image. With this software, you can quickly change the images from color to black and white, and back again — so you can easily judge the impact of this special effect.

Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac Free Download

Framing Options

Free Green Screen Photo Software For Mac Osx

With the release of Green Screen Wizard Pro 9.0, the Framing Options have been simplified, yet made much more powerful.

Now the software can generate four frame types: Square, Oval, Heart, and Jagged. You can pick a color from the palette or even use an image for the frame — or a texture can be added to any frame. There’s even a second frame overlay that lets you create even more variations.

Free Green Screen Photo Software For Macbook

And as shown in the middle image above, one of the more unique features is the Blur Frame that lets you use the background of the image as a source for frame content.

Add Artistic Texture

One of the most unique and popular special effects is Artistic Texture. By adding artistic texture to an image, you can change an ordinary photo into a work of art. Rather than posing for a painter for hours and spending hundreds of dollars or more, your clients can come to your studio for a simple photo shoot. Then you can use the latest version of Green Screen Wizard software to create a very flattering artistic/painted effect. The software even allows you to slightly distort the image, resulting in an ‘impressionistic’ look and feel that is sure to get the “Wow!” reaction.

Photokey Software

Learn more about Green Screen Wizard Pro Version 9.0 for both Windows and MAC. Currently, photographers who purchase the software also receive 4 Special Effects Background Image Collections FREE — that’s over 260 quality images!